
Ethical Conduct/Standards of Employee Conduct Examples

示例# 1
Mary is a 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley 大学 employee with a husband and three children. 琳达, the president of the XYZ Corporation, gives Mary and each member of her family a ticket 去参加体育赛事. 的 value of each ticket is $15 and the total of the five tickets is $75. Linda has never met Mary’s family.

Mary has committed an ethical violation. 的 value of the tickets received by Mary and her family exceed the $50 limit. 的 gift of tickets to Mary’s family is attributable to her because there is no independent business, family, or social relationship between Linda and her family. 虽然 are some exceptions to the $50 limit, this does not qualify.

例# 2
Bob works for 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley 大学 as a library technician. 这是鲍勃工作的一部分 is to assist people doing research in the library, and in this capacity, Bob has helped the representatives of the QRS and the XYZ Corporations. When their research is completed, the two corporations each give Bob a gift. PRS gives him a fishing rod worth $50 and XYZ give him a fishing reel worth $45. 鲍勃接受这些礼物.

Bob has committed an ethical violation. Even though the value of each individual item is $50 or less, the fishing rod and reel constitute a single gift. A single gift is defined to include any group of items to be used in conjunction with each other. 的 fishing rod and reel are designed to be used together and the value of this single gift is $95.

示例# 3
Kathy works as a gardener on 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley 大学’s grounds staff. 她的工作包括 mowing lawns and maintaining flower beds. XYZ Corporation supplies the 大学 with gardening supplies but Kathy’s job does not involve these contractual matters. 每一个 three months XYZ give the 大学’s gardeners, including Kathy, a new pair of gardening 手套,价值15美元. During the calendar year, Kathy accepts four pair of gloves 总共价值60美元.

Kathy has committed an ethical violation because Kathy cannot receive multiple gifts from a single person with a total value 超过$50. Had Kathy participated in the decision to purchase the gardening supplies, a more stringent rule would have applied and accepting one pair of gloves would be 违反.

示例# 4
John works in 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley 大学’s physical plant department and has responsibility to ensure that the contractor (XYZ) completing a minor capital project meets the contract 条件和标准. John has an excellent understanding of the community college contracting and construction process. XYZ Corporation hires John for $200 to spend a weekend reviewing its proposal bid for a construction project at Green River Community 大学.

John has committed an ethics violation. He may not be paid by XYZ because the weekend work appears to be related to his 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley 大学 employment; in that he would be paid by a company he is responsible for monitoring for 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley 大学.

例# 5
A faculty member who teaches computer classes but does not sit on a textbook selection committee considering a particular textbook may agree to review a textbook and accept an honorarium from the publisher. However, should the publisher’s book be considered for selection as text for a computer class, the faculty member, having received an honorarium, must refuse to participate in the textbook selection decision.

例# 6
If the college is considering purchasing a product or 服务 from a company employing one’s spouse in a management position, the employee must refuse to participate in the process that may lead to a decision to purchase or not purchase the product or 服务.