


A. 介绍

To meet its legal 和 ethical obligations to ensure that the rights of human subjects in research are appropriately protected, it is the policy of 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 维持院校覆核委员会. 的组成和程序 the IRB will be in compliance with applicable regulations for the protection of human 主题,包括 联邦法规第46部分第45篇RCW 42.48.020.

B. 基本原则

学院所坚持的基本原则来源于 贝尔蒙特的报告, written by the National Commission for the 人体受试者的保护 of Biomedical 和1979年的行为研究.

  1. Respect of Persons: The investigator has an obligation to each participant to treat 他们是一个完全有能力做出明智决定的人 参与研究. 每位参与者都必须充分了解 研究的性质,包括任何风险或益处. 确保…的自治权 the subject, the college requires a signed informed consent form from each participant 在研究中,除非该研究符合本节中概述的例外标准 在豁免.
  2. 慈善:研究者有义务让每个参与者尝试 maximize benefits for each participant 和/or society, while minimizing the risk of 对每个参与者的伤害.
  3. 正义(我.e. 避免不公平的胁迫):调查人员也有义务提供 在选定的人口中公平分配利益和负担.

C. 要求审查拟议的研究

It is the policy of 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College (WVC) that all research involving human 研究对象,包括(1)由…的学生或雇员计划或进行的研究 (二)由学院以外的机构计划或进行的研究 that will recruit WVC students or employees as participants, or (3) any research involving human subjects that will use college facilities, must undergo review 和 receive approval 在研究活动开始前,由审查委员会批准. 可能会要求IRB审查 通过WVC人类受试者保护程序1000中概述的步骤.250.

“Research” is defined to mean “a systematic investigation, 包括 research development, testing 和 evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.” Activities that meet this definition constitute research for purposed of this policy, 他们是否在被考虑的项目下进行或支持 为其他目的进行研究. 例如,一些示范和服务项目 可能包括研究活动.” (美国联邦法典第45条第46条.102). 所有建议的研究活动将提交给IRB批准,甚至 when it appears that the activity is exempt from human subjects review requirements; IRB拥有决定项目是否免于审查的唯一权力 或者可以经历快速审查程序,定义在 美国联邦法典第45条第46条.110.

Experiments or clinical activities conducted in a class setting for the purposes of instruction 和 student learning are not considered research under this definition; these activities are addressed by WVC Use of Human Subjects in Instructional Activities 300年政策.330.

Requests for research studies to be conducted by entities outside the college without WVC教员的直接合作(例如.g. 研究生研究,非盈利 organizations, or surveys) will have the purpose of the research reviewed 和 endorsed 由总统内阁批准,然后转交给内部审查委员会.

D. 调查

这是皇冠8868会员登录谷学院(WVC)的政策,要求一个审查过程 调查:

  1. 将在校园或学院运营的地点或活动中进行;
  2. 是否会根据他们的关系招募WVC的学生或员工作为参与者 with the college; or
  3. 是否会在WVC之外进行管理,无论是亲自还是以电子方式进行 identified by the name of the college, the WVC logo, or the investigator’s relationship 暗示WVC赞助.

调查项目提案将由总统内阁审查. 回顾 可按WVC调查程序1000.255.

调查项目可能被认为是“研究”,并需要通过内部审查委员会 在WVC人类受试者保护程序1000中概述的审查过程.250 if:

  1. There is interaction (individual interpersonal contact) between the investigator 和 参加者,如个人访谈;
  2. There is individually identifiable information collected in the survey – the identity of participants may be ascertained by the investigator or is associated with the responses; or
  3. 调查的目的是发展或促进可概括的知识: 例如,结果将检验假设并允许得出结论, are planned to be presented in a publication or professional meeting, or will be applied 到WVC以外的种群.

Survey activities conducted as a course activity for the purpose of instruction 和 学生学习不需要经过复习,但应包括一份陈述 参与者解释目的. 征求内部反馈的调查 WVC for the purpose of evaluating or improving programs 和 services, such as course 评估、校友调查或雇主调查不需要审查.


000.250 人类受试者保护程序
300.330 人文学科在教学活动政策中的应用
1000.255 调查过程
1300.330 在教学活动程序中使用人类主体


A. 目的

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the rights of human subjects in research are appropriately protected 和 that 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 和 its authorized representatives 是否符合保护人类受试者的适用法规; 包括 联邦法规第46部分第45篇RCW 42.48.020.

B. 院校评审委员会成员

The membership of the institutional review board (IRB) shall include college faculty 和 staff with relevant experience 和 training 和 at least one external member as 中定义的 美国联邦法典第45条第46条.102. 董事会成员必须完成符合DHHS要求的人类受试者审查培训 在过去两年担任内部审查委员会成员.

C. 评审过程

负责本研究的研究人员或调查员应联系 在开始与学生或员工进行任何接触之前,IRB 研究对象. 联络人应为WVC机构执行董事 有效性. 研究人员或调查人员将以书面形式提供以下资料 信息:

  1. A complete, signed IRB request 用于审核和批准表格 (available on the HR webpage).
  2. A brief statement describing the intent/purpose of the research project 和 the question 在调查中.
  3. A description of the intended participants in the research (employees; students; specific 项目或课程等.).
  4. 提供给参与者的知情同意信息副本.
  5. A copy of any advertisements or recruiting materials 和/or a description of participation 提供奖励(如有).
  6. 一份说明如何维护个人资料机密性的声明 需要收集信息. 声明应包括对措施的描述 to be taken to protect anonymity of response for non-personal information to be collected.
  7. 所使用仪器的副本,或研究程序的摘要 参与者经历.
  8. 如果研究者或研究者是WVC的教职员工,一份声明 适当的管理员/主管的支持. 如果是WVC的学生,一份声明 来自指导教师的支持. 教师/员工声明应该解决 工作量和/或发布时间(如果适用).
  9. Evidence that the principal researcher(s) or investigator(s) have completed training in the protection of human research participants that addresses principles of ethical 研究和联邦法规.

D. 申请豁免

Some research with human subjects is exempt from the requirements of this procedure 如果符合以下标准(摘自《皇冠6686会员登录》), 美国联邦法典第45条第46条.101).

  1. Research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings, involving 正常的教育实践,例如:
    1. 普通教育和特殊教育教学策略的研究
    2. 教学方法的有效性及比较研究 课程,或课堂管理方法.
  2. 涉及使用教育测试(认知、诊断、能力倾向、 achievement), survey procedures, interview procedures or observation of public behavior, 除非:
    1. Information obtained is recorded in such a manner that human subjects can be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects; 和
    2. Any disclosure of the human subjects' responses outside the research could reasonably place the subjects at risk of criminal or civil liability or be damaging to the subjects' 财务状况、就业能力或声誉.
  3. Research involving the collection or study of existing data, documents, records, pathological 标本或诊断标本,如果这些来源是公开的,或者如果 信息由研究人员或调查人员以下述方式记录 subjects cannot be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects.

如果研究者或研究者认为该项目符合上述条件之一 criteria for exemption, this must be indicated in the space provided on the IRB request 用于审核和批准表格. IRB将最终确定申请人的资格 for exemption; research may not proceed until verification of the exemption is received 由IRB的研究员或调查员提供.

E. 推迟事先审查

A researcher or investigator may ask WVC’s IRB to defer to the ruling of a prior Institutional 另一机构的检讨委员会. 该机构的IRB必须符合WVC的标准 审查并遵守联邦和州关于人体试验的规定 研究与回顾. 研究人员或调查人员将提出延期申请 on their request for review form (available on the HR website) 和 provide all documents 与先前机构的内部审查委员会的行为有关. 如果WVC的IRB批准延期,它 以后是否可以随时选择提取这笔差价.

F. IRB的决定

IRB将审查所有请求,并与调查人员联系作出决定 to approve the project; approve with modifications or restrictions; grant an exemption from review; defer to a prior IRB of another institution, table the request pending receipt of additional information; or disapprove. 为确保有足够时间进行检讨, 申请应至少在六周前提交完整的文件 研究计划的开始.


000.250 人类受试者保护政策
300.330 人文学科在教学活动政策中的应用
1000.255 调查过程
1300.330 在教学活动程序中使用人类主体